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Wednesday 25 September 2013

Inordinate delay in payment of Medical Examination fees to the Doctors conducting medical of the new insurants of the new proposals of PLI and RPLI in HP Circle

No:      HP/P-III/JCM                                       dated at Una the 24.09.2013

The Chief Postmaster General
Himachal Pradesh Circle Shimla-09

Sub:     Inordinate delay in payment of Medical Examination fees to the Doctors conducting medical of       the new insurants of the new proposals of PLI and RPLI in HP Circle

Respected Sir,

It has been represented to this union that the medical examination fees payable to the Doctors examining the insurants of PLI/RPLI proposals are not paid for the last one year.

The field officers procuring PLI/RPLI proposals have themselves visit the concerned/authorized doctor for conducting medical examination of the insurant, the doctors while examining the insurant also complains the delay in payment of medical fees due to them.

As such, the field staff is also facing inconveniences/difficulties in obtaining the signature of the medical officers on the new proposals. It also reflects the approach of our department on such issues.

You are therefore, requested kindly issue suitable instructions to the Divisional Heads causing payment of medical fees to the eligible doctors, it will, I am sure will definitely facilitate a speedy procurement/finalization of PLI/RPLI Policies.

With regards.

Yours faithfully,

[H S Guleria]
Circle Secretary

Unbearable delay in payment of PLI/RPLI Incentive to the staff.

No:      HP/P-III/JCM                                       dated at Una the 02.09.2013

Shri Anant Narayan Nanda Ji
The Chief Postmaster General
Himachal Pradesh Circle Shimla-09

Sub:     Unbearable delay in payment of PLI/RPLI Incentive to the staff.

Respected Sir,

A Kind reference is invited to the discussions held in the RJCM meeting on 08.07.2013. In the minutes, of the RJCM meeting, it has been mentioned that the incentive bills of PLI/RPLI are being paid and the pending bills will be paid as and when the funds are allotted by the Directorate.

The department is allotting targets to the circles and the circle administration further fix the targets to the subordinate staff to procure the business of PLI/RPLI and the circle union feels that the staff who have procured the business have done a marvelous job to the department. The concerned staff deserves all appreciation for doing this work in addition to their duties.

In order to recognize their services and to encourage the department has ordered payment of incentive to the staff for procuring this business.

In HP circle, PLI/RPLI incentive bills to the tune of Rs 40 lacs are lying pending for want of funds from the Directorate to the circles and from circles to the Divisions.  We may well imagine the plight of the officials who are waiting for payment of incentive due to them. This also causes damage to the trust between the staff at the lower level and administration at the top level.

The circle union expresses its serious concern over avoidable delay in payment of incentive and solicite your kind intervention to kindly cause payment of all these bills before DEEPAWALI festival.

With regards

Yours faithfully,

[H S Guleria]
Circle Secretary

Monday 2 September 2013

Non-repair of UPS installed in various Post Offices in HP Circle due to non-allotment of adequate funds by the Directorate.

No:      HP/P-III/RJCM                                     dated at Una the 02.09.2013


Shri M Krishanan

General Secretary,


New Delhi-08


Sub:     Non-repair of UPS installed in various Post Offices in HP Circle due to non-allotment of             adequate funds by the Directorate.


Respected Sir,


In HP Circle, the UPS installed in Head Post Offices and in Double Handed Post Offices of the Uniline Company being substandard are out of order from the day of installation and even after carrying out minor/needy repair; these are not in working condition. The entire work of the office is stopped during the frequent power cuts/power failure. You can well imagine the plight of staff. Since the UPSs are not functioning, the power supply to the computer network of the office is made directly from the main supply line of the electricity boards.


This issue has been taken up with the circle administration many times.


However, the CPMG Shimla vide letter No Tech/2-8/10 dated 07.06.13 has informed to this union that Rs 70 Lacs have been requisitioned as additional funds from the directorate for this purpose. Till date, no funds have been allotted by the Directorate. It reflects the seriousness of the authorities concerned on the functioning of computerization and various schemes in the Department of Posts.


You are therefore, requested kindly take up with the Directorate for immediate allotment of funds to the HP Circle. (Copy of CPMG letter ibid and circle union letter No HP/P-III/RJCM/Meeting dated 22.05.13 addressed to CPMG is enclosed as Annexure A and Annexure B as ready reference)


With regards.


Yours brotherly,



[H S Guleria]

Circle Secretary

Non-Payment Severance Amount to the Group-D/Postman Officials Promoted from the GDS Cadre case of Dharamshala Division, furnishing of false information by the SPOs Dharamshala Sh D S Kapoor in the four monthly meeting held on 08.07.2013.

No:      HP/P-III/Four Monthly Meeting                                                           dated at Una the 02.09.2013


Shri A N Nanda

The Chief Postmaster General

HP Postal Circle Shimla-171 009


Sub:     Non-Payment Severance Amount to the Group-D/Postman Officials Promoted from the GDS Cadre case of Dharamshala Division, furnishing of false information by the SPOs       Dharamshala Sh D S Kapoor in the four monthly meeting held on 08.07.2013.


Respected Sir,


The issue of grant/payment of severance amount to the eligible Postman/Group “D” staff in the circle was taken up in the previous periodical meeting and following issuance of instructions from the circle office on the subject, many of the officials in some Divisions have been paid this amount as per instructions on the subject.


However, in Dharamshala Postal Division 06 such officials are still to be paid this amount.


This issue, again came up for discussion in the four monthly meeting held on 08.07.2013 Chaired by your goodself, Shri D S Kapoor SPOs Dharamshala, who was also present in the meeting informed that all the eligible officials in the Dharamshala Division have been paid this amount and no case is pending in his office.


However, it has been represented to me that six officials 01. Sh Anil Kumar (Dharamshala HO), 02. Sh Onkar Chand ( Palampur HO), 03. Sh Manohar Lal (Mcleodganj SO), 04. Sh Ashok Raj (Nurpur SO), 05. Sh Uttam Chand (MTS Palampur HO) and 06. Sh Pars Ram (MTS Dharamshala HO) are still waiting for the payment of this amount, for which they are entitled.


This union expresses its concern over the way the Divisional Heads are handling the issues relating to staff taken up by the circle union even in the presence of your goodself.


 I solicite your kind intervention for causing immediate payment of severance amount to the officials eligible for its payment in Dharamshala Division.


With regards.


Yours faithfully,



[H S Guleria]

Circle Secretary