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Monday 24 March 2014

Implementation of tenure transfers case of Group-C and Group B Officials/Officers in the Circle.

No:         HP/P-III/DMA                                     dated at Una the 23.03.2014

Shri A N Nanda Ji
The Chief Postmaster General
Himachal Pradesh Circle Shimla-09

Sub:        Implementation of tenure transfers case of Group-C and Group B Officials/Officers in the Circle.

Respected Sir,

The tenure transfers of Group C officials in the circle have been ordered and even have been implemented in the Circle by the Divisional Heads. As per the orders issued by the Divisional Heads any official completing 04 years have been transferred and even some officials have also been transferred without completion of their tenures.

None of the officials even who are retiring this year have been allowed extension of tenure and are transferred from the respective station.

The Circle Union is of the firm opinion that the same guidelines of tenure transfers are applicable to the Group B Officers i.e Divisional Heads and any officer completing normal tenure must have been ordered to be transferred.

The Circle Union is surprised over non-transfer of Shri Deep Singh Kapoor, Supdt Post Offices Dharamshala and continues to work as such, despite having completed a stay of more than 04 years in the Division. Shri D S Kapoor who have ordered transfer of 53 Group C officials in February 2014 and have also ordered frequent transfers of the staff without any justification during the year 2012-13 and 2013-14.

In this connection, the discussions on the subject i.e vindictive attitude of SPOs Dharamshala held in the JCM meeting held on 09.01.2014. Elaborate discussions were held and your goodself agreed for an appropriate action.

You are therefore, requested kindly order immediate transfer of Shri D S Kapoor, from Dharamshala Division. This will create a sense of respect on the transfer policy issued by the Directorate amongst the staff.

With regards.

Yours sincerely,

[H S Guleria]
Circle Secretary