No: HP/P-III/RJCM dated
at Una the 21.07.2016
Maj Gen Amil Kumar Shori
Member (Postal Life Insurance)
Postal Services Board,
Postal Directorate, New
Sub: Payment of incentive to the field staff / Direct Agents on the
PLI/RPLI policies procured by them after 31.10.2015
Respected Sir,
Prior to implementation of McCamish Software in the
post offices, the PLI and RPLI incentives due to the field staff and Direct
Agents was generated through Oracle Software. In Himachal Pradesh and in rest
of the Circles, the incentive was generated in Oracle Software upto 31.10.2015.
After implementation of McCamish software till such
time , there is no provision of generation of incentive in this software and
even the detail of policies procured by an individual i.e field staff and
Direct Agents is not shown in the McCamish software.
As regards, preparation of bills of the field staff /
Direct Agents , the Directorate has issued instructions to the Circle Heads
which are further conveyed to the Divisional Heads to prepare the manual
incentive bills. Since, there is no provision in the McCamish software of
neither detail of policies procured by the field staff nor there is provision
to generate the bills, it is neither viable nor possible to prepare the
incentive bills of the first year premium and of the renewal premium.
As a consequence till date neither any bill of the
incentive due after 01.11.2015 has been prepared / generated nor the amount of
incentive due seems to have been reflected in the demand placed before the
Directorate by the Circle Heads.
Sir, we place it on records that the things moved
swiftly just after taking over as Member (PLI) and a prompt action was taken to
allocate the funds to the Circle. The HP Circle has also got its share. Despite
it 50% of the liability has to be cleared by way of allocation of additional
The HP Circle sincerely conveys his regards to your
Yours sincerely,
(H S Guleria)