Jagat Ram Harbhajan Singh Guleria
Circle President Circle

MOBILE NUMBER: +91-9418463093
No: HP/P-III/JCA/Agitation dated at Una
the 20.03.2015
The General
‘’C’’ Dada Ghosh Bhawan
Patel Nagar, New
Sub: Review of the issues taken up by the CHQ
with the Directorate and review of the deliberations held in the AIC
Trivandrum, CWC Gauwahati and CWC Ongole and framing of charter of demands for
the strike to be organized by the Postal JCA on the sectional issues.
A kind reference
is invited to the charter of demands of the May 2015 strike submitted to the
Department for settlement. The perusal of the charter of demands reveals that
the deliberations which took place in the AIC Trivandrum, CWC Gauwahati and CWC
Ongole are not considered while preparing the charter of demands.
The plight of
postal employees was well narrated by the delegates of the AIC Trivandrum which
is evident from the live coverage of the proceedings of the AIC.
Similarly, the
core issues which are confronting the postal employees at the place of posting
which are brought to the notice by the CWC members in the CWC Gauwahiti and
Ongole respectively.
The AIC is the
greatest management body evolving a policy programme for protecting the rights
of the staff and mitigating their grievances and containing the
activism/unilateralism of the Officers at all levels, the deliberations of the
AIC is a message and guidelines to the executive for preparing the further
course of action. Similarly, the CWC carries such an equally importance.
From AIC Alandi
to CWC Ongole none of the delegate/CWC members have supported the issue of
Postmaster Cadre, (brought unilaterally by the Department) and the
restructuring in the PA cadre. Even, in CWC Jabalpur the then General Secretary
informed the CWC that none will get a financial benefit of even rupee one on
the implementation of proposal on restructuring. Moreover, the consenses has
always been against these two issues.
Today, more than
50% posts of Postmaster Cadre are lying vacant for want of eligible officials
and work against these vacant posts is being managed by a PA who is treated to
be a unfit person for holding such posts. Similar is the position of the posts
of supervisory cadre. Then what heaven the Postmaster Cadre has brought to the
staff and to the Department?
Whereas we are
not sure what is therein the restructuring proposals. Whereas it is pertinent
to mention rather to bring it on records that every cadre particularly the IPoS
cadre has got highest benefit both financial/promotional in every cadre review.
The Department
has switched over to CBS without ensuring smooth/adequate availability of
infrastructure i.e net connectivity, adequate capacity of central server,
adequate training to the staff and adequate staff availability in the CBS
offices. The Directorate is simply issuing a deadline for switching over to CBS
to all the Circles and our system managers, the officials are made to work hard by sitting late even
after 2400 hours. None of the Divisional Head/Director Postal Services/CPMG
could have ever joined the late working of our dedicated system managers and
other staff.
The Department
is saving much from the services of our system managers and is spending
lavishly upon Core Banking Solutions provided by Infosys.
Till date, the
Department did not specify the duties of the PAs and supervisors and their
responsibilities including the time factor for each transaction which is
comparatively higher than the transactions done in the present Sanchay Post
It has been
noticed that CBS services remain paralyzed frequently for hours together due to
low connectivity and due to non-functioning of central server. The customers
are made to strand for hours together, who is responsible for this? There
should definitely be accountability of the policy makers. In Himachal Pradesh,
Head Post Office Una staff could not complete the work on 19.03.2015 by 0300
hours of 20.03.2015. Eight officials spent whole night on the chairs. The
Department forgets its social commitments to provide compensation for such a
late stay and the end of the day for the date 19.03.2015 was done at 1300 hours
on 20.03.2015, which is enough to explain the plight of postal employees.
The CHQ have
been writing very important letters to the Directorate on various issues and
these letters are also published in the esteemed organ of our mighty
organization the Bhartiya Post. Had our CHQ our big leaders reviewed the
outcome of these letters addressed to the Directorate, we could not have
thought about the present issues now listed in the charter of demands.
Prior to
Postmaster Cadre an TBOP official with 05 years of service was eligible for
taking the Group B examination and a number of officials were successful and
they are still serving and some retired in JTS cadre. The Postmaster Cadre has
taken our all the promotional avenues and after its implementation, the
promotions are left to the selected officials only. And even, a supervisory
official is denied his posting in a Sub Post Office. Is it fair?
The CHQ has the
responsibility to carry out itself a study of new schemes launched in the post
offices including CBS by visiting the post offices instead of organizing
workshops and I being a senior most Circle Secretary who is also working in a
Sub Post Office feel that an attempt to mitigate the hardships at the
workplace, to contain the administrative activism and to stop unilateralism
will definitely create a sense of inspiration and confidence for organizing a
very very successful trade Union actions and I am sure when a war is fought
with all the sentiments of the people by respecting their feelings, there will
be none to deny the victory for such a decision.
Therefore, we
should not insist upon the issues for which our staff have no concern and have
never given such a mandate to anybody else.
I am sure that
the CHQ will have passionate view on the points raised by the Circle Union and
shall re-draft their strategies to protect the rights of the postal employees.
With regards
Yours comradely,
H.S. Guleria