Jagat Ram Harbhajan Singh Guleria
Circle President Circle
MOBILE NUMBER: +91-9418463093
No: HP/P-III/CBS dated at Una the 04.03.2015
Shri Anant Narayan Nanda Ji
The Chief Postmaster General,
Himachal Pradesh Circle Shimla-09
Sub: Uncalled for miseries/pitiable plight of staff engaged in the
Head Post Offices rolled over to CBS.
Respected Sir,
A kind reference is invited my
phonic requests and discussions with your goodself today at 1700 hours. I am
constrained rather pained to bring to your kind notice the uncalled for
miseries of the staff engaged in the CBS rolled Head Post Offices and I am
shocked that the Department, perhaps has taken the postal staff as well as the
post office an experimental lab as the concern of providing viable/credible
infrastructure adequate/justified manpower required on rolling out such
esteemed projects. The Postal Department is being run by the postal employees
and the personal comforts/peace of mind/health cannot be compromised which
tantamount to an exploitation of an important worker and important instrument
who is producing the results.
We have already shortage of staff
in the post offices and as per finacle software, the time taken for opening new
account is minimum 22 minutes, for deposit 06 minutes, for withdrawal 10
minutes, for account closure 20 minutes, withdrawal of MIS interest 12 minutes,
discharge of KVP/NSC as well issue of KVP/NSC 22 minutes for single
certificate, transfer of accounts more than 30 minutes subject to availability
of net connectivity and smooth functioning of central server.
There is average of 100 new
accounts being opened in Head Post Offices whereas at Head Post Office Una it
is less than or equal to three hundred per day. The information gathered from
such Head Post Offices reveal that the staff is made to sit in the office till
2300 hours or even above due to unmanageable work owing to lack of streamline
net connectivity and frequent failure of central server. I am told even the staff
engaged in the Circle Office is working till 1200 midnight.
The Circle Union is receiving
various representations and phonic requests of the staff engaged in these
offices and we are surprised as to how a most prestigious/credible Department
of Government of India will ensure protection of the confidence of its customers
and faith of the staff working.
The Postal Department cannot run
merely on fixing the dates of rolling out to CBS. The Core requirement is to
provide viable environment/network sustainable connectivity and justified man
power. As such, your goodself is requested to kindly take appropriate steps.
Sir, we have learnt that Una Head
Post Office will also be rolled out very shortly. The Una Head Post Office have
120000 live accounts, highest in the Circle and only 03 PAs and 01 APM (LSG) is
working at present, despite our requests to provide adequate staff, which has
never been considered in right perspective. The staff is sitting in the office
beyond 1900 hours and we are worried/feared of the position after migration to
CBS. As such, your goodself is requested
to take up the case with the Directorate for keeping inaveyance the migration
to the CBS till the recruitment against the vacant posts is made.
Sir, we are in dilemma to accept
the CBS as blessings or a curse to the postal employees as well as to the
customers. The Postal employees of Himachal Pradesh are well known for their
exemplary contribution in raising the resources of Postal Department and this
request which contains the sentiments of the employees atleast should not be
With regards.
Yours faithfully,
H S Guleria
Copy to:-
Secretary (Posts) Dak Bhawan New Delhi for information.
General Secretary, AIPEU Group “C” Patel Nagar New Delhi-08
Secretary General, NFPE New Delhi-01. Please take up the issue with the Directorate.
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