Office of Secretary
RJCM (Staff Side) HP Circle HQ Una-174303
Chief Postmaster General
Pradesh Postal Circle,
No: HP/RJCM/Agenda/2013 dated at Una the 20.12.2013
Sub: Submission of items of agenda for discussion
in the ensuing RJCM meeting.
consider following items for discussion in the ensuing RJCM meeting to be held
under your chairmanship.
it is felt that the items taken up and discussed in the meeting are shown straightway
discussed and closed despite having detailed discussions on such items and even
the decision taken is not recorded while preparing the minutes of the meeting. It
is therefore, requested that the decision taken during the discussions on the
items may kindly be recorded and the minutes should be issued as per
(i) Item
No 4-8/10: Unmanageable work of SB at HPOs
and insensitive approach of administration
providing/posting staff at SB
relief sought for during the discussion has not been provided.
(ii) Item
No 2-4/12: Avoidable delay in repairing
the computers and its peripherals:
detailed discussions, the staff attending the work in the operative offices does not feel any relief
on the issue and they are still facing
avoidable hardships in managing the repair of computer network. Kindly discuss and issue suitable instructions.
(iii) Item No 6-7/13: Allotment of
unrealistic/impracticable targets to
the indoor staff:
No doubt, the issue was discussed in
detail and to large extent; the staff
side support the administration and are doing their best to achieve the targets. But, the Divisional Heads
are crossing all limits for achievement
of targets, harassing the staff, threatening the staff, denying the leave
applied for and even spoiling the APAR. The Postal
Staff while in the office are discharging multifarious duties and the overall assessment of the work of
the office cannot be ignored while
assessing the performance of individual. We are also enclosing a copy of SPOs Una No B-2/Neelam Kumari
Jaswal dated 05.06.13 addressed
to the official regarding grant of leave, which will reflect as to how the Divisional Heads are taking
their position. It is not an isolated
case. The situation in other Divisions is not better. Kindly discuss and issue suitable instructions.
(i) Irregular
abolition of Posts pertaining to the years 2005, 2006,
2007 and 2008 by the SPOs Una:-
Posts were ordered to be abolished vide Circle office letter No EA/2-19/2007 dated 03.05.2013 in
Una Division. In every Division,
the posts were abolished after exercising the whole process for review the workload of post offices
of the Divisionand
the office with lesser workload than the staff strength was selected for
abolition of the posts.
Una Postal Division, all the 10 posts were abolished vide SPOs Una Memo No
A-494/HPO Una dated 08.05.2013 without exercising
any process and simply by fingertips post offices were selected and the offices having heaviest workload became
the victim of this
process. All such double handed SOs are now single
handed. It is in violation of rules. You are therefore, requested
kindly cause abolition of such posts on the basis of assessed work in the Divisions. Copy of SPOs Una
Memo No ibid is enclosed.
(ii) Grant
of MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd to the eligible officials in the Circle:-
We agree that the issue is vigorously
being pursued by the Circle
Office with positive outlook. However, the plight of such officials who are
denied the MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd cannot be ignored. The issue has
been well explained in the circle office letter
No STA/30-52/93 dated 13.12.13 addressed to H S Guleria Circle Secretary.
In HP Circle MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd has been denied
despite having benchmark “GOOD”
for best of three whereas the officials
in the promotional grade of MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd are granted HSG-II and HSG-I on
the basis of “GOOD” benchmark for
best of three, in the circle also many Divisions have allowed MACP 2nd and
MACP 3rd with benchmark “GOOD” for best of three. This is grave injustice with those
officials who have “GOOD” benchmark for best of
three and Sir, this counsel is confident of favorable decision on the
subject by our worthy chairman,
so that injustice done is undone.
(iii) Pitiable condition of staff working in ICHs (SP) and recruitment of staff for ICHs and SP Hubs:-
staff working in the ICH Mandi, Solan, Hamirpur, Kangra and SP Hub Pathankot are working in unhygienic
conditions with odd duty
times, with unmanageable work, with short staff and none of the authorities have taken note of it
and suggested remedial
the ICHs and SP Hubs Shimla and Pathankot are functioning from the staff strength of
operative offices and number
of officials are on deputation to these stations. This has compounded the
situation in the operative offices which cannot be ignored. Moreover, the cost, the time
taken has multiplied four
times for handling a single SP article from the station of booking to the end of
delivery. Therefore, please cause assessment
of the workload of the ICHs and SP Hubs in the circle
and cause recruitment of the staff there.
(iv) Non-allotment
of adequate funds for payment of MR and TA
claims of the staff in the Circle:-
more than 20 lakhs MR and TA claims in the circle are lying pending for payment for want of funds from
the circle office. The
cost of medical care is beyond the bearing of the staff. The Mandi Division which has requirement of
funds for MR claims
is big sufferer where the officials who have undergone major surgeries are still waiting the
reimbursement of the treatment.
Kindly cause allotment of adequate funds.
(v) Non-payment
of full wages to the Postal Assistants recruited during 2010, the case of Mandi
The Secretary Posts, during 2010
have ordered that the candidates selected for PAs after due
verification be assigned the
work in the Post Offices from the way of selection/joining in the Post Office and be paid
full wages at par with regular PAs. In entire
HP, it was paid as per the directions of the Directorate, but except Mandi Postal
Division where around 23 officials were denied
this benefit. This issue was taken up with the circle office and till date the officials
have not been granted this benefit. Kindly intervene.
(vi) Holding
of meetings/Melas/trainings on Sundays, Gazetted Holidays:-
There are clear instructions from the
Directorate that meetings/Melas/trainings should not be
held on Sundays/G Holidays.
But, in HP Circle such meetings are conducted on Sundays even on 10 hours’ notice putting
the staff to face avoidable
hardships. Kindly issue suitable instructions.
(vii) Non-fixation of pay of Ex-servicemen re-employed as Postal Assistants:-
The Ex-servicemen re-employed as PA
are eligible for fixation of their
pay vide DoPT letter No 3/19/2009-Estt (Pay II) dated 05.04.2010 and 08.11.2010. The issue was
taken up with the circle
office on 22.05.2013. Till date no action has been initiated. Kindly intervene and
cause justice to the aggrieved.
(viii) Vindictive/apathetic attitude of SPOs Dharamshala towards the staff:-
The SPOs Dharamshala while pursuing
the staff issues ignores all such rules
framed for deciding the staff issues which sending a message as otherwise amongst the staff. He has during
this year after 31.03.2013 issued transfer orders six times and have caught the
officials unsuitable to him and punishing
him mindlessly. He, in one case, non- transmission
of MIS file of Yol Camp SO on 16.06.2012, which is a Project Arrow office, did not hold any official responsible
including the Sub Postmaster
(Grade-1) and severally warned Shri Nand Lal the then officiating Treasurer Yol Camp SO and to further debar him
from any financial upgradation, he was
awarded grading 3.1 i.e Average for the
assessment 2012-13, which is even equal to the punishment of stoppage of 04 increments with future
effect. Similarly, in one case, Sh Trishl
Dev PA Dharamshala HO who was awarded grading 0 in assessment year 2011-12 and 2.1 for the assessment year
2012-13, which is surprise enough. When
the supervisor/Postmaster Dharamshala
has never reported the working of Shri Trishal Dev to SPOs Dharamshala we fail to understand as to what could have been
the basis for recording such
grading and remarks against the officials. Kindly
discuss and issue suitable instructions to SPOs Dharamshala.
(ix) Posting
of Postal Assistants with less than 5 Years of Service as PAs in Divisional Office Mandi and non-consideration
of request for transfer to
Divisional office of the senior officials:-
As per the instructions of the
department, the officials with service less than
05 years cannot be posted in Divisional Offices. Contrary to it, SSPOs Mandi have posted 04 such officials in
the Divisional Office and there seems
to be no yardstick whereas the requests of senior officials are not entertained for posting. As such,
kindly discuss and issue suitable
(x) Non-grant
of CCL to eligible officials in the HP circle:-
The CCL allowed to the eligible
officials by the Government of India is seldom
granted whenever it is applied for and even the officials who have been granted the CCL are relieved by the
Postmaster concerned to avail it. Kindly
discuss and issue suitable orders.
With profound regards.
Yours faithfully,
H S Guleria
Copy to:-
1. Sh
Kailash Sharma, Leader Staff Side O/o CPMG HP Circle Shimla-9
2. All
the members of RJCM staff side in the circle.