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Saturday 21 December 2013

submission of agenda for discussion in the four monthly meeting scheduled to be held on 08.01.2013

No:    HP/P-III/four monthly meeting/agenda                 dated at Una the 17.12.2013

The Chief Postmaster General
Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle, Shimla-09

Sub:  submission of agenda for discussion in the four monthly meeting scheduled         to be held on 08.01.2013.

Respected Sir,

The following items may kindly be considered for discussion in the four monthly meeting scheduled to be held on 08.01.2013.

1.           Non-providing of recharge coupons to the System Administrators by         the Divisional Heads:-
          The CPMG while deciding this issue in the Item No 2-10/10 of the four monthly meeting held on 01.08.2011 have ordered to the Divisional Heads to provide recharge coupons to all the system administrators in the circle. The Divisional Heads are reluctant and in many Divisions, the system administrators are not provided recharge coupons. The system administrators are utilizing their own mobiles for attending the calls from the needy offices and they are always attending the complaint of the computerized offices on their mobile. As such, the system administrators are playing a vital role in streamlining the computerized services. In any case, there should not be any reason to deny them the recharge coupons facility decided by our CPMG.

2.           Un-warranted / Irregular deputation to circle office and PSD from    operative           offices:-

          The operative offices in the circle are not provided adequate staff even posted the sanctioned staff. The operative staff is providing multifarious services to the public and to the department. Despite managing the office, they are contributing a lot in the achievement of targets. As such, the operative offices cannot be ignored. While calling the staff on deputation to PSD and circle office, the prescribed procedure for such deputation from amongst the willing officials is not followed and straightway telephonic orders are issued to depute the named officials to the circle office or to the PSD. This has on the one hand has compounded the hardships of operative offices and on other hand have created resentment amongst the staff in the circle. The whole issue may be examined in the light of shortage of staff in the operative offices and smooth services to the public.
3.           Frequent/un warranted deputation to the Divisional offices from the           operative   offices by the Divisional Heads:-
          The Divisional Heads have posted staff on technical grounds excess in the Divisional office and the staff so posted in the Divisional offices continue to be in the Divisional offices beyond the normal tenure of the officials working there and despite this, the Divisional Heads are frequently calling the officials on phonic orders to the Divisional Office ignoring the interests of the operative offices. The operative offices which has shared the reduction of staff in case of TBOP/BCR and even the abolition of unfilled posts of 2005 to 2008. Even, a single post has not been abolished in the Divisional Office. At Una, Dharamshala, Dehra, Solan, the issue may be examined with reference to posting as per sanctioned strength and unwarranted deputation.

With regards,
Yours faithfully,

[H S Guleria]
Circle Secretary

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