No:- HP/P-III/Cadre
Restructuring dated
at Una the 22.06.2016
All the Branch / Divisional Secretaries,
And CWC Members of H.P. Circle
Dear comrades,
P-III CHQ has been advocating the case of restructuring of PA cadre for the
last five years. The lower level leadership , the grass root level membership and
even the Circle Secretaries were not aware of the pros and cons of the cadre
restructuring proposal. Even, in CWC Jabalpur the then General Secretary Shri
KVS informed that there will be no monetary benefit to the employees in case
the cadre restructuring is approved by the nodal Department. The Circle Secretaries have neither proposed
this item nor they have supported it in the CWC meetings. However, their
silence on the subject was taken as approval.
the Department vide letter No 25-04/2012-PE-I dated 27.05.2016 has conveyed the
order of cadre restructuring of the PA cadre in the Department of Posts.
per this order, all the single handed and double handed sub post offices will
be upgraded to LSG with Grade Pay 2800 and will be allotted to Circle.
Accordingly, the strength of LSG posts as per this order will be raised from
4980 to 26494.
HSG-II posts with Grade Pay 4200 have been increased from 1198 to 8579 and will
be allotted to circle for posting in triple handed and above post offices. HSG-1 posts have been increased from 1160 to
2127. Due to the up gradation of LSG, the strength of PA cadre will be reduced
from 100059 to 69990.
other words, only an approved LSG official with Grade Pay 2800 can be posted as
SPM any where in the Circle without any monetary benefit. Similar is the case
with HSG-II and HSG-I.
after issuance of the orders the lower level leadership is not aware of the
devastating effects of this proposal on the interests of the staff and to the
Circle Union has discussed this issue with all the Branch / Divisional
Secretaries and CWC members and many of the staff members are also conveying
their concern on this issue and are straightway opposing the order. I have also
spoken to many of the Circle Secretaries who have the similar view.
is such an order for which an effective deliberations is needed to assert its
pros and cons to the staff and the Circle Union have conveyed to the General
Secretary to hold an emergent CWC meeting to atleast discuss its affects before
the implementation.
Department is preparing fast to implement the orders leaving very little time
at our disposal to defend our cause. I have been advised to think of a legal
course of action to halt its implementation. As such, we have to exercise all
the options. Your views and advise on the subject is very much valuable. For
legal course of action, we need adequate funds to defend our case and it is
imperative to raise the funds of the members.
are therefore requested to kindly collect Rs 300/- per member as special
donation for defending this case.
Agitational program on CBS issues:-
per HP Circle, CWC decision HP Circle organized mass Dharna at Shimla on
03.04.2016 to convey its concern on the apathetic approach of administration to
ensure trouble free online services to the public and to mitigate the hardships
to the staff. The HP Circle is the first to enhance the bandwidth of the CBS
offices. The Dharna was very successful despite the fact that one or two
Divisions did not seriously work to ensure participation as per their strength.
Demand Day On
per the direction of the CHQ, demand day was observed all over Himachal Pradesh
conveying their concern to improve online services.
Dharna on
at Circle level was organized successfully at Shimla GPO.
Demonstration at
Dak Bhawan on 30.06.2016
are requested to ensure minimum two representatives from each branch for
participation in demonstration at Dak Bhawan on 30.06.2016.
Periodical Meetings
with the CPMG
having sent the agenda items and repeated requests , the CPMG HP Circle is
procrastinating the holding of periodical meeting on this or that pretext. This
is first time that a constitutional trade Union right is denied. We are proposing
a very serious agitational program in case the meeting is not held at the
Federal Council of NFPE
10th Federal Council of NFPE is being held at Guwahati on 07.09.2016
to 09.09.2016. The Circle Secretary Shri H. S Guleria and Financial Secretary
Shri Deepak Thakur will attend the federal council.
are requested to kindly furnish your valuable feedbacks on the issues
confronting at the workplace to the Circle Union
struggle greetings
Yours comradely,
(H S Guleria)