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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Request for sympathetic consideration of representation of Shri Nand Lal Postal Assistant Dharamshala HPO, requesting for upgradation of below benchmark grading awarded by the reporting officer Shri Deep Singh Kapoor, SPOs Dharamshala for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013.

No:         HP/P-III/Dharamshala                                                                      dated at una the 29.08.2013


Shri Ambesh Upmanayu

Director Postal Services

O/o CPMG HP Circle Shimla-09


Sub:        Request for sympathetic consideration of representation of Shri Nand Lal Postal Assistant Dharamshala     HPO, requesting for upgradation of below benchmark grading awarded by the reporting officer Shri Deep        Singh Kapoor, SPOs Dharamshala for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013.


Respected Sir,


Shri Nand Lal who is working at present at Head Post Office Dharamshala has been awarded good bench mark for the period 2006-07 to 2011-12. The official has been awarded the numerical grading 3.1 for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013, ignoring the overall assessment of the conduct/performance of the official. The feedback provided by the immediate superior of the official where he has worked during the period under report should have been the basis atleast for awarding the gradings. The SPOs has never noticed personally anything wrong with the official and have never judged his performance on the basis of feedback from the immediate superior.


Though, Shri D S Kapoor has mindlessly abused his powers to record his findings merely to deny the benefit of MACP to the official not suitable to him. 06 officials in the Division are awarded Average grading and even in one case he awarded 0 numerical grading to an official.


In Dharamshala Division, there is shortage of 38 PAs and the shortage is being borne by the operative staff only and there is no shortage in the Divisional office rather there is excess posting.


The grading awarded by Shri D S Kapoor is harshest as it will deny him the financial benefits which are recurring consequences to the official.


Your goodself have been kind enough to decide such cases sympathetically and favorably.


Shri Nand Lal have referred an appeal to your goodself on 26.07.2013 for upgradation of the grading awarded by the SPOs Dharamshala.


Your goodself is requested to kindly do justice to the aggrieved.


With profound regards.



Yours faithfully,



[H S Guleria]

Request for sympathetic consideration of representation of Shri Nand Lal Postal Assistant Dharamshala HPO, requesting for upgradation of below benchmark grading awarded by the reporting officer Shri Deep Singh Kapoor, SPOs Dharamshala for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013.

No:         HP/P-III/Dharamshala                                                                      dated at una the 29.08.2013


Shri Ambesh Upmanayu

Director Postal Services

O/o CPMG HP Circle Shimla-09


Sub:        Request for sympathetic consideration of representation of Shri Nand Lal Postal Assistant Dharamshala     HPO, requesting for upgradation of below benchmark grading awarded by the reporting officer Shri Deep        Singh Kapoor, SPOs Dharamshala for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013.


Respected Sir,


Shri Nand Lal who is working at present at Head Post Office Dharamshala has been awarded good bench mark for the period 2006-07 to 2011-12. The official has been awarded the numerical grading 3.1 for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013, ignoring the overall assessment of the conduct/performance of the official. The feedback provided by the immediate superior of the official where he has worked during the period under report should have been the basis atleast for awarding the gradings. The SPOs has never noticed personally anything wrong with the official and have never judged his performance on the basis of feedback from the immediate superior.


Though, Shri D S Kapoor has mindlessly abused his powers to record his findings merely to deny the benefit of MACP to the official not suitable to him. 06 officials in the Division are awarded Average grading and even in one case he awarded 0 numerical grading to an official.


In Dharamshala Division, there is shortage of 38 PAs and the shortage is being borne by the operative staff only and there is no shortage in the Divisional office rather there is excess posting.


The grading awarded by Shri D S Kapoor is harshest as it will deny him the financial benefits which are recurring consequences to the official.


Your goodself have been kind enough to decide such cases sympathetically and favorably.


Shri Nand Lal have referred an appeal to your goodself on 26.07.2013 for upgradation of the grading awarded by the SPOs Dharamshala.


Your goodself is requested to kindly do justice to the aggrieved.


With profound regards.



Yours faithfully,



[H S Guleria]

Non-grant of the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to the officials of HP Circle due to below-benchmark grading.

No:         HP/P-III/RJCM                                                                   dated at Una        29.08.2013


Shri M Krishanan

General Secretary,


New Delhi-08


Sub:        Non-grant of the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme  to the officials of HP        Circle due to below-benchmark grading.


Respected Sir,


In Himachal Pradesh Circle, about 90 officials have been denied the benefit of MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd due to below-benchmark grade. The Circle union has persistently been pursuing this issue on the basis of various clarifications issued by the directorate.


Following, denial of MACP 2nd and 3rd by the screening committee, the HP Circle constituted the scrutiny committee for the purpose of scrutiny of CR/APARs and for upgrading the grading awarded by the reporting officers.


Even, the scrutiny committee did not upgrade the grading to good of 70 officials in the HP Circle. As such, these officials are denied the benefit of MACP 2nd and MACP 3rd. The aggrieved officials made the representations to the CPMG HP Circle for upgrading the below-benchmark grading.


Though, the CPMG have to decide such representations on the basis of instructions issued by the Directorate/DoPT, yet the CPMG HP have requested the Directorate vide letter No STA/39-2/2012 dated 09.07.2013 for allowing constitution of scrutiny committee to decide all such cases.


The Postal officials in the operative offices are supposed to share multifarious responsibilities while working in the office, rather there is no limit of his responsibilities and the reporting officers ignoring the criteria of overall assessment is recording the assessment merely on one of the petty issue and the circle union is of the firm opinion in the present scenario, where the postal officials are entrusted the duties having multifarious responsibilities and high expectations cannot manage a good benchmark, merely by working in the office.


Therefore, you are requested to take up the case with the directorate for allowing constitution of scrutiny committee for deciding the pending cases of MACP in HP Circle and also to take up with the appropriate authority for allowing the MACP 2nd and 3rd ignoring the good benchmark grading on the analogy of other departments i.e Railway etc.


The Copy of CPMG HP letter No STA/35-16/2012 dated 20.08.2013 and dated 09.07.2013 is enclosed as Annexure A and Annexure B.


With regards.



Yours brotherly,


[H S Guleria]

Circle Secretary

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Inordinate delay in delivery of speed post/registered post and first class mail after introduction of SP Hub System and L1, L2 System, request for review of the new system.

No:      HP/P-III/RJCM                                                 dated at Una    24.08.2013


The Chief Postmaster General

Himachal Pradesh Circle, Shimla-09


Sub:     Inordinate delay in delivery of speed post/registered post and first class mail after     introduction of SP Hub System and L1, L2 System, request for review of the new      system.


Respected Sir,


The staff side (RJCM) have pointed out in the past in the RJCM Meetings vide Agenda Item No 2-2/11 review of Hub System. A committee was constituted to review the SP Hub Systems with reference to improvement in the system. The committee did not complete this work and the issue was closed.


The department is just monitoring the dates of delivery of SP/Registered mail for ensuring same day delivery that is the day of receipt of such articles. I am of the firm opinion that in HP Circle almost all such articles are sent for delivery on the same day and only articles with specific reasons are kept as undelivered.


Surprisingly, we have never monitored the time schedule for transmission of such articles from the station of booking to the delivery office. A general feeling of the staff even the officers is that the time taken for transmission of such articles from the booking office to delivery office is far more than the time taken for these articles prior to introduction of SP Hub System and L1:L2 Systems.


In any case, new proposals/new schemes should have been better than the previous schemes to the interest of public and to the interest of department.


I am enclosing herewith a photocopy of Registered /SP covers with RL NO RE 764732121IN and SP No EE 786814423IN addressed to me and booked from Dharamshala on 24.07.2013 and 26.07.2013 respectively, which were delivered to me on 29.07.2013. The perusal of time taken with reference to the delivery schedule prior to Hub System will definitely, I am sure will prove that in any case the present system which is costly for the department and disadvantageous  to the public is not worth functioning/worth retaining.


This is just an example, thousands cases are not taken note of by either the department or the public.


Similar is the fate of first class mail received in the delivery office from the various post offices in India.


The circle Union solicite your kind intervention to take up this issue with the directorate for ensuring speedy/timely delivery of articles atleast on the basis of delivery schedule prior to Hub System/L1:L2 System.


With regards.


Yours faithfully,



[H S Guleria]

Inordinate delay in delivery of speed post/registered post and first class mail after introduction of SP Hub System and L1, L2 System, request for review of the new system.

No:      HP/P-III/RJCM                                                 dated at Una    24.08.2013


The Chief Postmaster General

Himachal Pradesh Circle, Shimla-09


Sub:     Inordinate delay in delivery of speed post/registered post and first class mail after     introduction of SP Hub System and L1, L2 System, request for review of the new      system.


Respected Sir,


The staff side (RJCM) have pointed out in the past in the RJCM Meetings vide Agenda Item No 2-2/11 review of Hub System. A committee was constituted to review the SP Hub Systems with reference to improvement in the system. The committee did not complete this work and the issue was closed.


The department is just monitoring the dates of delivery of SP/Registered mail for ensuring same day delivery that is the day of receipt of such articles. I am of the firm opinion that in HP Circle almost all such articles are sent for delivery on the same day and only articles with specific reasons are kept as undelivered.


Surprisingly, we have never monitored the time schedule for transmission of such articles from the station of booking to the delivery office. A general feeling of the staff even the officers is that the time taken for transmission of such articles from the booking office to delivery office is far more than the time taken for these articles prior to introduction of SP Hub System and L1:L2 Systems.


In any case, new proposals/new schemes should have been better than the previous schemes to the interest of public and to the interest of department.


I am enclosing herewith a photocopy of Registered /SP covers with RL NO RE 764732121IN and SP No EE 786814423IN addressed to me and booked from Dharamshala on 24.07.2013 and 26.07.2013 respectively, which were delivered to me on 29.07.2013. The perusal of time taken with reference to the delivery schedule prior to Hub System will definitely, I am sure will prove that in any case the present system which is costly for the department and disadvantageous  to the public is not worth functioning/worth retaining.


This is just an example, thousands cases are not taken note of by either the department or the public.


Similar is the fate of first class mail received in the delivery office from the various post offices in India.


The circle Union solicite your kind intervention to take up this issue with the directorate for ensuring speedy/timely delivery of articles atleast on the basis of delivery schedule prior to Hub System/L1:L2 System.


With regards.


Yours faithfully,



[H S Guleria]


It is learnt that the Secretary Posts informed Sh SS Mahadaviya GS GDS Union on 23.08.2013 that MOF has cleared the file of Bonus to GDS enhancing the payment ceiling from Rs 2500- to Rs 3500-. It is to be approved by the Cabinet. It is the culmination of the sustained struggle launched by the GDS Union.


Sh Data Ram Circle Secretary HP GDS Union challenged the formation of new recruitment rules of Postman and MTS in the CAT Chandigarh on the ground that previously all these posts were being filled up amongst the GDS. The new recruitment rules have snatched the promotional opportunities available to the GDS. The General Secretary SS Mahadaviyaa has opposed these rules several times. The CAT admitted the OA and stayed the result of the Exam scheduled to be held on 18.08.2013. The next date of hearing is 17.09.2013.

We congratulate the GDS Union.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


No:      HP/P-III/Dharamshala                                                  dated at Una    12.08.2013


All the Branch/Divisional Secretaries

& CWC Members in HP Circle


Sub:     Remittance of quota to Circle/ CHQ and NFPE.


Dear comrade,


The 11th Bi-ennial Circle conference of this Circle was held at Dehra Gopipur on the basis of quota remitted to the circle union for the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 i.e quota remitted upto 30.04.2012.


It was noticed/pointed out in the circle conference that the branches are not remitting the quota as per the ratio fixed and as per the membership of the branch. The house was ensured that regular remittance of quota to all quarters will be made in the future.


Till date, many branches have not remitted the quota since 01.05.2012, posing serious financial constrains in the smooth functioning of circle union.


Following, an amendment to the constitution of our union in the 29th AIC held at Trivandrum, the rate of subscription per member is Rs 50- and allocation of subscription for branch Rs 24.50-, for circle Rs 15.00-, for CHQ Rs 8.00-, for NFPE Rs 2.50- per member. The amendment is applicable for deduction of subscription from July 2013.


You are therefore, requested to remit quota at the earliest to all quarters.



Yours comradely,


[H S Guleria]

Circle Secretary


Copy to:-


General Secretary, AIPEU Group “C’ New Delhi-08



No:          HP/P-III/RJCM                                                                                                       dated 03.08.2013


Shri M Krishanan

General Secretary

AIPEU Group “C”

CHQ New Delhi-08


Sub:        Irregular/impracticable norms for calculation of FSC in the Post Offices.




A kind reference is invited to CHQ letter No P/2-3/Bihar Circle dated 28.03.2013 published in page No 11 of Bhartiya Post June 2013 issue.


The Directorate have revised the norms for calculation of FSC in the Post Offices vide letter No 23-1/2008-PAP dated 02.12.2010


In the CWC meeting held at Alandi, Pune (Maharashtra) on 08.01.2011 while reading the Bi-ennial reports, this was mentioned as one of the achievement of the CHQ, for getting revised orders on FSC. I as CWC member have objected and treated this letter as retrograde order causing downward revision/no-revision/negligible revision. The CWC was chaired by your goodself and your goodself will also recollect that this annoyed the then General Secretary Sh KV Sridharan, who even threatened me.


I am of the firm opinion that in the department of Post, not even a single Post Office has been benefitted by this order. A double handed Post Office closing eight bags daily has FSC Rs 35 prior to issue of these orders and after implementing these orders, the revised FSC comes as Rs 42. The cost of sealing wax per KG is Rs 60 and the department is taking the cost of Rs 3 per Bag for complete month instead of per day. As such, the cost of sealing one bag comes as Rs 0.12 per day. This is a joke with the operative staff.


The Circle union has taken up this issue in the RJCM meeting held on 08.07.2013 seeking revision of FSC on the basis of Rs 3 for sealing a bag per day. The CPMG despite having convinced on our plea and after going through the previous record on the subject, have asked a clarification from the directorate.


In the era of modernization/computerization, a Sub Postmaster cannot have funds/power to purchase even a petty item that is gum for public use, printer cartridge and he is always on the mercy of Divisional Heads to permit him to make such purchase. In department of Post, all the Divisional Heads have issued instructions to the subordinate offices that is operative offices not to purchase any item without prior permission of Divisional Head.


You are therefore, requested to kindly take up the matter for issuance of clarification sought vide CHQ letter mentioned above or take up the case for evolution of norms for FSC by a committee comprising members of staff side. Any such orders issued unilaterally by the department cannot be claimed to be achievement by us. Copy of  minutes of the RJCM meeting held on 08.07.2013 is enclosed.

I am confident of a prompt action at your level.


With regards.

Yours brotherly,


[H S Guleria]

Circle Secretary.

Happy Independence Day!!

Happy Independence Day
All India Postal Employees Union Group-C Himachal Pradesh greets the Postal Employees of India and citizens of India. It is an occasion to pay our respectful homage to the great leaders of the Nation and citizens, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Independence. It is also an occasion to take a pledge to preserve the democratic values of the Nation for the cause of people of India and for the cause of Nation.

Circle Secretary:
Sh. H. S. Guleria
SPM Saloh
(Una Division)
Contact: - +919418463093
email id: - 

Monday, 12 August 2013

Jagat Ram                                                                                                      H S Guleria

Circle President                                                                                             Circle Secretary



No:       HP/P-III/CHQ  /Strike                                                   dated at Una     12.08.2013


Shri M .  Krishnan

General Secretary, AIPEU

Group “C” New Delhi-08


Sub:      Scraping of Directorate orders on reposting in single handed/double handed Post Offices.


Respected comrade,


A Kind reference is invited on the deliberation held in the 29th All India Conference at Thiruvanathapuram on 10/11/12th March, 2013. It is humiliating/insulting rather derogatory to judge an official with doubtful integrity, merely on the  ground that he has served in the single/double handed post office and imposing unvalented/un-called for conditions on vigilance angle for their reposting in the single/double handed post offices. The department has full-fledged instructions /rules/guidelines to prevent frauds in the department and anyone found involved in such acts have been awarded deterrent punishments.


The CHQ as well as the NFPE has pursued this issue during last eight years and caused issuance of modified orders on the subject. Prior to issuance of letter No 8-4/2005-Inv dated 05.12.2012, I am of the firm view that even a single official may not have been reposted on the basis of relaxed orders.


Even, after the issuance of letter dated 05.12.2012, authorizing the Divisional Heads to consider reposting after satisfying himself about the character of the official for reposting is a futile exercise as I am sure no divisional head in the department of post is ready to take such a responsibility. In other words, the orders remained filed in the file.


As such, the order is impracticable. On the other hand, an Inspector can be reposted in the Sub Division, an ASP can be reposted, a Divisional Head can be reposted and even a Director can be reposted in the same Sub Division, Division, Region and circle respectively. As such, we cannot relish these orders. The instructions of the department has caused hurdles in implementing the tenure transfers resulting transfers of the officials to the distant places.


The circle union is of the opinion that an order except the scraping of original orders on the subject is acceptable to the postal employees and I am sure these are the sentiments of the staff and spirit as well as demand of the 29th All India Conference held at Thiruvanathpuram on 10/11/12th March, 2013.


I am confident that the CHQ as well as NFPE will take a fresh with the department.


With regards,


Yours comradely,


[H S Guletria]

Circle Secretary


Copy to:            All the Branch/Divisional Secretaries/CWC Members in HP and Central working Committee Members for information.