No: HP/P-III/RJCM dated
Shri M Krishanan
General Secretary
AIPEU Group “C”
CHQ New Delhi-08
Sub: Irregular/impracticable
norms for calculation of FSC in the Post Offices.
A kind reference is invited to CHQ letter No
P/2-3/Bihar Circle dated 28.03.2013 published in page No 11 of Bhartiya Post
June 2013 issue.
The Directorate have revised the norms for calculation
of FSC in the Post Offices vide letter No 23-1/2008-PAP dated 02.12.2010
In the CWC meeting held at Alandi, Pune (Maharashtra)
on 08.01.2011 while reading the Bi-ennial reports, this was mentioned as one of
the achievement of the CHQ, for getting revised orders on FSC. I as CWC member
have objected and treated this letter as retrograde order causing downward
revision/no-revision/negligible revision. The CWC was chaired by your goodself
and your goodself will also recollect that this annoyed the then General
Secretary Sh KV Sridharan, who even threatened me.
I am of the firm opinion that in the department of
Post, not even a single Post Office has been benefitted by this order. A double
handed Post Office closing eight bags daily has FSC Rs 35 prior to issue of
these orders and after implementing these orders, the revised FSC comes as Rs
42. The cost of sealing wax per KG is Rs 60 and the department is taking the
cost of Rs 3 per Bag for complete month instead of per day. As such, the cost
of sealing one bag comes as Rs 0.12 per day. This is a joke with the operative
The Circle union has taken up this issue in the RJCM
meeting held on 08.07.2013 seeking revision of FSC on the basis of Rs 3 for
sealing a bag per day. The CPMG despite having convinced on our plea and after
going through the previous record on the subject, have asked a clarification
from the directorate.
In the era of modernization/computerization, a Sub
Postmaster cannot have funds/power to purchase even a petty item that is gum
for public use, printer cartridge and he is always on the mercy of Divisional
Heads to permit him to make such purchase. In department of Post, all the
Divisional Heads have issued instructions to the subordinate offices that is
operative offices not to purchase any item without prior permission of Divisional
You are therefore, requested to kindly take up the
matter for issuance of clarification sought vide CHQ letter mentioned above or
take up the case for evolution of norms for FSC by a committee comprising
members of staff side. Any such orders issued unilaterally by the department
cannot be claimed to be achievement by us. Copy of minutes of the RJCM meeting held on
08.07.2013 is enclosed.
I am confident of a prompt action at your level.
With regards.
Yours brotherly,
[H S Guleria]
Circle Secretary.
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