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Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Unbridled Horse Style functioning of Shri B S Sen SPOs Solan request for judicious probe and immediate transfer of Shri B S Sen as SPOS Solan
No: HP/P-III/Solan dated at Una the 16.09.2016
Shri M. L Kalia Ji
Chief Postmaster General,
Himachal Pradesh Circle,
Sub: Unbridled Horse Style functioning of Shri B S Sen SPOs Solan request
for judicious probe and immediate transfer of Shri B S Sen as SPOS Solan
Respected Sir,
I am enclosing herewith a complaint received from
AIPEU Group ‘’C’’ Solan complaining against the working of Shri B S Sen SPOs
Solan. The complaint is self explanatory and deserves impartial probe which
will definitely unearth the many irregularities committed by him. It is learnt
that during his tenure many irregularities were noticed in the case of
recruitment of GDS and by the intervention of Circle Office all such
appointments were cancelled.
It is astonishing that despite having noticed such
grave irregularities in the matter of appointments, no action seems to have
been taken against the officer. The Circle Union fails to understand as to what
kind of message the Circle Administration seems to have given to the masses of
such grave irregularities. The transfer orders issued in his tenure and many of
such transfers are implemented on papers only favouring few and disfavouring
more. The working of staff clerk in the Division office is the major issue
created by the SPOs.
The postal Department is moving ahead to face the new
market challenges and I appreaciate the staff working at the ground level and
definitely condemn the attitude of such officers.
The Circle Union solicite your kind intervention for
justice by –
(1) ordering
immediate transfer of Shri B S Sen from independent charge of the Division
(2) Thorough
probe of his working may be carried out by an officer from the Circle Office
This will create a sense of justice and confidence
amongst the staff.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(H S Guleria)
Irregular transfers orders issued by SPOS Solan Shri B S Sen
No: HP/P-III/Solan dated at Una the 16.09.2016
Shri M. L Kalia Ji
Chief Postmaster General,
Himachal Pradesh Circle,
Sub: Irregular transfers orders issued by SPOS Solan Shri B S Sen
Respected Sir,
Shri B S Sen, SPOs Solan is due for retirement in
this year. As per the standing instructions , a Divisional Head cannot issue
any transfer order and take any such Decision involving higher financial
Despite all this, he proposed transfer of seventeen
officials in the Division to the Circle. It is learnt that the Circle Office
turned down the proposal.
Later, he managed to hold the meeting of the transfer
committee and transferred seventeen officials on 07.09.2016. In the said
transfer orders, he transferred one Shri Kamal Singh to Waknaghat and one Shri
Tehal Das to Rajgarh in the interest of service despite the fact that none of
the official have completed their normal tenure at the station of posting.
Since, Shri B S Sen, cannot exercise the powers of transfers,
his inclusion in the transfer committee deciding the transfers, is irregular
and unconstitutional.
There are several complaints against the functioning
of Shri B Sen SPOs Solan and there is strong resentment against him in the
Solan Division.
What prompted Shri Sen to issue such transfer orders
which were unwarranted is a matter of probe by the competent authority to know
the truth.
You are therefore, requested, kindly intervene and
cause cancellation of the transfers ordered by SPOs Solan.
Your intervention will create a sense of confidence
and relief amongst the staff of Solan Division.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(H S Guleria)
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Payment of incentive to the field staff / Direct Agents on the PLI/RPLI policies procured by them after 31.10.2015
No: HP/P-III/RJCM dated
at Una the 21.07.2016
Maj Gen Amil Kumar Shori
Member (Postal Life Insurance)
Postal Services Board,
Postal Directorate, New
Sub: Payment of incentive to the field staff / Direct Agents on the
PLI/RPLI policies procured by them after 31.10.2015
Respected Sir,
Prior to implementation of McCamish Software in the
post offices, the PLI and RPLI incentives due to the field staff and Direct
Agents was generated through Oracle Software. In Himachal Pradesh and in rest
of the Circles, the incentive was generated in Oracle Software upto 31.10.2015.
After implementation of McCamish software till such
time , there is no provision of generation of incentive in this software and
even the detail of policies procured by an individual i.e field staff and
Direct Agents is not shown in the McCamish software.
As regards, preparation of bills of the field staff /
Direct Agents , the Directorate has issued instructions to the Circle Heads
which are further conveyed to the Divisional Heads to prepare the manual
incentive bills. Since, there is no provision in the McCamish software of
neither detail of policies procured by the field staff nor there is provision
to generate the bills, it is neither viable nor possible to prepare the
incentive bills of the first year premium and of the renewal premium.
As a consequence till date neither any bill of the
incentive due after 01.11.2015 has been prepared / generated nor the amount of
incentive due seems to have been reflected in the demand placed before the
Directorate by the Circle Heads.
Sir, we place it on records that the things moved
swiftly just after taking over as Member (PLI) and a prompt action was taken to
allocate the funds to the Circle. The HP Circle has also got its share. Despite
it 50% of the liability has to be cleared by way of allocation of additional
The HP Circle sincerely conveys his regards to your
Yours sincerely,
(H S Guleria)
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘’C’’ Employees in Department of Post
No: HP/P-III/Cadre Restructuring dated at Una the 13.07.2016
R N Prashar
Group ‘’C’’,
Sub: Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘’C’’
Employees in Department of Post
The Circle Union has received your
letter P/2-8/HP Circle dated 01.07.2016 regarding
cadre restructuring of Group ‘’C’’ staff of Department of Posts
I agree with you that this issue has
been placed in the CWC agenda and in the AIC agendas as well as the charter of
demands. It is true , and you will also agree that despite having notified this
item none of the CWC members , delegates and visitors have ever advocated for
cadre restructuring. Since, none was aware of the serious , the retrograde
implications of this schemes on its implementation. Therefore, none could
either support it nor could oppose it.
Kindly recall the deliberations of
AIC Trivandrum wherein all the deliberations have live coverage and on
verifying the views expressed by the delegates / visitors , none of them have
uttered s single word about the restructuring notified in the agendas. The silence
of ground level people on the issues must not be taken as approval which is the
fundamental of democratic principles.
In single and double handed post
offices, to whom the LSG official will supervise multiplying his
responsibilities and resulting reduction of thirty thousands PAs in the
Department of Posts involving large scale transfers of the staff.
We are in favour of any scheme which
should atleast be beneficial to the employees today , tomorrow , month , next
month , year , next year even after ten years. But in this case there does not
seems to be any benefit to the existing staff. Some people are advocating the
benefit to next generation for which I cannot advocate.
I am happy this item has been
notified for discussions in the CWC Guwahati but by then lot of water might
have flown. Therefore, kindly assess the pros and cons of this scheme and take
up with the Department to keep the orders in abeyance till its discussion in
With regards,
(H S
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Non allotment of funds by the Directorate for payment of PLI/RPLI incentive to the staff
No:- HP/P-III/RJCM dated at Una the 22.06.2016
Shri R N Prashar
General Secretary,
AIPEU Group ‘’C’’, CHQ
New Delhi-08
Sub: Non
allotment of funds by the Directorate for payment of PLI/RPLI incentive to the
Dear comrade,
kind reference is invited to this Union letter of even number dated 28.04.2016
and CHQ letter No P/2-8/H.P. Circle dated 05.05.2016 addressed to Secretary
time none of the Circle has been allotted funds for releasing the PLI / RPLI
incentive claims by the Directorate. In HP Circle alone, incentive claims to
the tune of Rs 1 crore are pending for want of funds from the Directorate.
Similar is the position of other circles.
are therefore requested to kindly take up the case personally with the Secretary
Posts to allot adequate funds for the purpose.
Yours comradely,
( H S Guleria)
Non-Holding of periodical meetings , request for holding the meeting.
No:- HP/P-III/RJCM dated at Una the 22.06.2016
Maj Gen A K Shori
Chief Postmaster General,
Himachal Pradesh Circle Shimla-09
Sub: Non-Holding
of periodical meetings , request for holding the meeting.
Respected Sir,
kind reference is invited to this Union letter No HP/P-III/CBS/CWC/2016 dated
05.04.2016, HP/P-III/RC (JCM) dated 12.04.2016, HP/P-III/RJCM dated 17.05.2016
and your e-mail dated 18.05.2016 at 11:57 AM regarding holding of four monthly
meeting and JCM meeting.
am of the firm opinion that a meeting with the staff Union bridge a
communication gap between the administration and staff and very valuable
information / suggestions / deliberations is shared in such meetings which is
not usually seen in the official meetings. Despite assurance by your goodself
to hold a meeting , we are feeling that a very constitutional trade Union right
is being denied to us without any valid reason. We are disappointed over this
I have been representing the Circle Secretary of H.P. Circle since 1988 and
have never experienced such a situation where an opportunity which is a privilege
also is denied. The postal employees in the operational level have the greatest
contribution in running the Department and implementing the various policies of
the Department and we as their representative have the privilege to discuss the
related issues in the periodical meetings fixed by the nodal Department.
Circle Union once again request your goodself to kindly hold the meeting at the
earliest which will definitely be in the larger interest of Department and the
are confident your goodself will definitely appreciate our point of view on the
subject and hold the meeting at the earliest to avoid any other option for
S Guleria)
Case of restructuring of PA cadre
No:- HP/P-III/Cadre
Restructuring dated
at Una the 22.06.2016
All the Branch / Divisional Secretaries,
And CWC Members of H.P. Circle
Dear comrades,
P-III CHQ has been advocating the case of restructuring of PA cadre for the
last five years. The lower level leadership , the grass root level membership and
even the Circle Secretaries were not aware of the pros and cons of the cadre
restructuring proposal. Even, in CWC Jabalpur the then General Secretary Shri
KVS informed that there will be no monetary benefit to the employees in case
the cadre restructuring is approved by the nodal Department. The Circle Secretaries have neither proposed
this item nor they have supported it in the CWC meetings. However, their
silence on the subject was taken as approval.
the Department vide letter No 25-04/2012-PE-I dated 27.05.2016 has conveyed the
order of cadre restructuring of the PA cadre in the Department of Posts.
per this order, all the single handed and double handed sub post offices will
be upgraded to LSG with Grade Pay 2800 and will be allotted to Circle.
Accordingly, the strength of LSG posts as per this order will be raised from
4980 to 26494.
HSG-II posts with Grade Pay 4200 have been increased from 1198 to 8579 and will
be allotted to circle for posting in triple handed and above post offices. HSG-1 posts have been increased from 1160 to
2127. Due to the up gradation of LSG, the strength of PA cadre will be reduced
from 100059 to 69990.
other words, only an approved LSG official with Grade Pay 2800 can be posted as
SPM any where in the Circle without any monetary benefit. Similar is the case
with HSG-II and HSG-I.
after issuance of the orders the lower level leadership is not aware of the
devastating effects of this proposal on the interests of the staff and to the
Circle Union has discussed this issue with all the Branch / Divisional
Secretaries and CWC members and many of the staff members are also conveying
their concern on this issue and are straightway opposing the order. I have also
spoken to many of the Circle Secretaries who have the similar view.
is such an order for which an effective deliberations is needed to assert its
pros and cons to the staff and the Circle Union have conveyed to the General
Secretary to hold an emergent CWC meeting to atleast discuss its affects before
the implementation.
Department is preparing fast to implement the orders leaving very little time
at our disposal to defend our cause. I have been advised to think of a legal
course of action to halt its implementation. As such, we have to exercise all
the options. Your views and advise on the subject is very much valuable. For
legal course of action, we need adequate funds to defend our case and it is
imperative to raise the funds of the members.
are therefore requested to kindly collect Rs 300/- per member as special
donation for defending this case.
Agitational program on CBS issues:-
per HP Circle, CWC decision HP Circle organized mass Dharna at Shimla on
03.04.2016 to convey its concern on the apathetic approach of administration to
ensure trouble free online services to the public and to mitigate the hardships
to the staff. The HP Circle is the first to enhance the bandwidth of the CBS
offices. The Dharna was very successful despite the fact that one or two
Divisions did not seriously work to ensure participation as per their strength.
Demand Day On
per the direction of the CHQ, demand day was observed all over Himachal Pradesh
conveying their concern to improve online services.
Dharna on
at Circle level was organized successfully at Shimla GPO.
Demonstration at
Dak Bhawan on 30.06.2016
are requested to ensure minimum two representatives from each branch for
participation in demonstration at Dak Bhawan on 30.06.2016.
Periodical Meetings
with the CPMG
having sent the agenda items and repeated requests , the CPMG HP Circle is
procrastinating the holding of periodical meeting on this or that pretext. This
is first time that a constitutional trade Union right is denied. We are proposing
a very serious agitational program in case the meeting is not held at the
Federal Council of NFPE
10th Federal Council of NFPE is being held at Guwahati on 07.09.2016
to 09.09.2016. The Circle Secretary Shri H. S Guleria and Financial Secretary
Shri Deepak Thakur will attend the federal council.
are requested to kindly furnish your valuable feedbacks on the issues
confronting at the workplace to the Circle Union
struggle greetings
Yours comradely,
(H S Guleria)
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Request for the allotment of accommodation in the postal colony to the Circle Union
No: HP/P-III/Una dated at Una the 18.06.2016
Supdt. Post
Una Postal
Una (HP)-174
Sub: Request for the allotment of
accommodation in the postal colony to the Circle Union
The Himachal Pradesh Circle
Union is functioning with its Head Quarter at Una since a long. We are facing
much inconvenience in the functioning of Circle Union in the absence of
appropriate accommodation.
The Circle Union will feel obliged
for considering our request for allotment of accommodation to the Circle Union
in the postal Colony Una as permissible under Rules
With regards,
Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘’C’’ Employees in the Department of Posts
No: HP/P-III/Cadre Restructuring/CWC dated at Una the 18.06.2016
Shri R. N.
All India
Postal Employees Union Group ‘’C’’
CHQ, New
Delhi- 08
Sub: Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘’C’’
Employees in the Department of Posts
Dear Comrade,
A Kind reference is invited to
the DG Posts letter No 25-04/2012-PE-1 dated 27.05.2016 conveying the decision
of cadre restructuring of Group ‘’C’’ staff of the Department. As per this
order, all the posts of SPMs in single and double handed post offices will be
upgraded to LSG i.e the total number of LSG posts will be 26494 after cadre
restructuring and these posts will be allotted to Circle.
Similarly, the posts of the SPMs
in triple handed Sub Post Offices will be upgraded to HSG-II with Grade Pay
4200 and all other existing norm based LSG posts in the post offices will be placed
in the Grade Pay of 4200 and the total number of HSG-II posts will not exceed
And, the existing HSG-II posts
will be placed in the Grade Pay 4600 with the existing HSG-1 posts and the
total number of HSG-1 posts shall not exceed to 2127. However, 735 new posts of
HSG-1 (Non-functional) with Grade Pay 4800 have also been agreed to the senior
most HSG-1 officials with service in HSG-1 not less than 2 years.
From the day, the orders are
issued , we have been getting number of calls / messages from the staff members
/ branch/ Divisional secretaries and CWC members from the Circle fearing the
alarming post implementation results of the cadre restructuring and I am
directed to convey the feelings of the staff working in Himachal Pradesh that
the proposal of cadre restructuring was the proposal of central leadership and
even the other leadership, the staff members have never discussed this issue
and in my opinion none other than the central leadership itself have supported
the cadre restructuring. We feel the orders on the cadre restructuring is not
in line with the proposal of the CHQ / NFPE discussed with the Department.
Previously, all the SPMs of
single and double handed even triple handed sub post offices were allotted to
Divisions. Now, all the Sub Postmasters in the Department of Posts are allotted
to respected Circle inviting large scale Circle Level transfers without a
benefit of single rupee. Similarly, all the officials with 4200 and 4600 Grade
Pay were being allotted to Divisions will now be allotted to Circles.
In other words, none can be
posted as a SPM in single and double handed sub post office other than the
officials carrying Grade Pay 2800 who is regularly promoted in LSG. Similar is
the position in HSG-II and HSG-I. There seems to be no monetary benefit atleast
for one decade to the postal employees working in Department of Posts and the
equal numbers of PA posts have been decreased.
Surprisingly, to whom a LSG
official with Grade Pay 2800 will supervise in a single handed sub post office.
Will he work as PA or a supervisor? We fear large scale retrograde consequences
of this cadre restructuring order both on the staff and our organization. You
are therefore, requested to kindly fix an emergent meeting of the Central
Working Committee to discuss the pros and cons of the cadre restructuring
orders as ninety five percent of our leadership and the staff are neither aware
of the benefits nor the losses of this order.
And, in such circumstances,
there remains no point to return if it is allowed to be implemented without
discussing it in the Central Working Committee Meeting. As such, this order
must be kept in aveyance till it is discussed in the CWC meeting.
With regards,
(H. S.
Copy to:-
1. The Secretary Posts, Dak Bhawan New
2. The CPMG, H.P. Circle Shimla-09 for
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
Friday, 10 June 2016
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Initiation of HISCOD in the CBS offices
All India Postal Employees Union Group
‘’C’’ Himachal Pradesh HQ at Una
Des Raj
Bhatia H S Guleria
President Circle Secretary
Email: circlesecretaryhp@gmail.com
No: HP/P-III/RJCM dated at Una the 17.05.2016
Maj Gen A K Shori
Chief Postmaster General,
Himachal Pradesh Circle
Sub: Initiation of HISCOD in the CBS offices
The Circle Office have issued
instructions to ensure initiation of HISCOD well before the close of the
office. In the CBS office, entire work of the office depends upon the
functioning of computer networks, net connectivity and regular functioning of
central server and Finacle. Besides this, the continue supply of electricity in
the CBS office is most needed.
Since, the time taken for each
transaction on Finacle is higher than the Sanchay Post and there is 50%
shortage of man power in every office. The HISCOD has to be initiated on
completion of / verification of all the transactions and clearing all blocking
validations. Every day, a mail is received from CPC Shimla that the finacle is
down throughout India. In one case, a user is logged in but the supervisor
login was denied for hours together. Will it not cause delay in completion of
verification work and initiation of HISCOD.
In many sub post offices, where
the net connectivity is totally failed the SPM concerned is completing the work
either in Head Post Office or in the nearby CBS office. We feel that the siffy
network authorities are not seriously looking after the connectivity problem.
Moreover, many offices have been rolled out to CBS offices without ensuring
proper functioning of NSP-1. Despite having raised a ticket, net connectivity
in some offices especially D or E class was restored after three or four days.
The information is well available with Divisional Offices. The reason behind it
is that the siffy technologies use to take up the matter with BSNL who in turn
takes three or four days usually to set right the problem.
Your goodself will agree that
many of the offices are opened beyond duty hours even upto 1100 hours. They are
very sincerely putting their best to complete the work and make the CBS project
a grand success without being equipped with appropriate men and material. Even
they are not being compensated for the late sittings. Should it not be appreciated?
Unfortunately, the perusal of
messages in the Tech-minds group of whatsapp reveal that administration at any
level have no concern to the staff who are striving hard by late sittings to
complete the work and surprisingly enough, you have tweeted that ‘’ a solid danda is needed to be used for
all those persons who have not initiated the HISCOD well in time’’ without knowing the reasons and the circumstances behind it.
The Circle Union salute whole
working class of Himachal Pradesh Circle who are doing a marvelous job with a
shortage of 50% hands without any extra remuneration despite having been
requested by this union. In such circumstances, the circle union express its
serious concern over such a tweet which is a humiliating and discouraging one
to the brave postal employees of HP.
Your goodself is therefore
requested kindly discuss the issue with the staff side on initiation of HISCOD
so that ground realities may also be highlighted and an appropriate instruction
on the subject be issued.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(H. S. Guleria)
Monday, 9 May 2016
Submission of Memorandum on the burning problems of the postal employees.
India Postal Employees Union Group ‘’C’’ H.P. Circle HQ at Una-174303
No: HP/P-III/Agitation dated at Una the 07.05.2016
Shri Narender Modi Ji,
Honorable Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Submission of Memorandum on the burning
problems of the postal employees.
I , have been directed by the All
India Postal Employees Union Group ‘’C’’ H.P Circle to bring to your kind
notice the miserable plight of postal employees working in post offices.
Sir, the Indian Postal system is the
largest and most credible Department catering the needs of one billion people
of India particularly the people working in rural India. The postal Department
is the victim of apathy of previous Government which is left to be run by
bureaucracy only. We are soliciting your kind intervention to kindly safeguard
the interest of postal services and the postal employees.
(1) Shortage
of staff in Postal Department
The 7th Pay Commission in
his report has admitted that there is shortage of around 60000 Group ‘’C’’
employees in the post offices. Whereas there is no shortage in Group ‘’A’’ and
Group ‘’B’’ Officers. Due to irregular / impracticable recruitment policy, the
recruitment against the vacant posts could not be made during the last three
years. Resultantly, the figures of vacant posts of Group ‘’C’’ staff have
arisen to 70000. In Himachal Pradesh which is a hilly state around 1000 posts
are lying vacant.
Sir, the services are to be run by
the postal employees only. The mechanization / the computerization /
modernization is for the benefit of the staff / public / Department. But any
Department can not function smoothly to needs of the public without the
manpower. The postal employees of Himachal Pradesh pray and solicite your kind
intervention to cause filling up of all the vacant posts and the accountability
of the authorities concerned for not filling up these posts well in time may
kindly be fixed.
(2) Introduction
of various new schemes in the name of IT Project-2012 in the post offices
As per IT Modernization project 2012
, all the post offices are to be rolled out to CBS. It is learnt that targets
are fixed at the central level to the circles for rolling out the post offices
to the CBS and the authorities at the lower level are mindlessly implementing
the schemes without ensuring appropriate manpower and infrastructure in the
post offices. The time taken on every transaction of the CBS office is higher
than the time taken for the work done on previous software. In the CBS, every transaction
has to be verified by the supervisor but surprisingly in post offices there is
shortage of supervisors by 50%. As a consequence, the verification work is
either being performed by the operator itself or by the person not authorised
to do it.
Despite all that the postal
employees by working late hours till midnight have successfully implemented the
CBS project without any proper training/ relief.
The CBS functioning depends upon
manpower, net connectivity and regular functioning of central server. In post
offices, it is very often complained that the connectivity is very poor. Every
day a mail is received conveying that Finacle ‘’The CBS Software’’ is down all
over India and the staff working in the post offices has to wait to resume the
work till central server and net connectivity is restored. The Postal
Administration who claims its success in implementing the various projects has
no accountability in redressing the issues being faced by the staff. In
Himachal Pradesh, the Government provides holding of periodical meetings
between the Administration and the Unions, unfortunately, despite repeated
requests the Chief Postmaster General Himachal Pradesh Maj Gen A. K. Shori is
deliberately avoiding holding of such meetings resulting compounding of the
issues being faced by the staff.
Due to this attitude, the postal employees
of Himachal Pradesh organised a protest Day Long Dharna on 03.04.2016 (Sunday)
at Shimla to focus the attention of the authorities concerned on the issues
emerging out from the implementation of new schemes.
There is every mechanism available
to question the poor lower level employee who is responsible to give a shape to
the Government policies at the ground level but Sir, there is a feeling rather
it is true there is none to question the bureaucracy on their do’s and don’ts.
The postal employees of Himachal
Pradesh as well as of India have very high hopes from our Honorable Prime
Minister known for his prompt decisions as well as for his commitments. As
such, we hope that an appropriate remedial action to save the credibility of
postal Department and the peace of mind of postal employees will be taken.
With profound regards,
S. Guleria)
1. Shri Anurag Thakur, Member Parliament
and Chairman Standing Committee on IT with request to kindly raise the issue in
the Parliament.
Holding of Dharna against the apathetic approach of Department in providing required infrastructure / atmosphere while rolling out the post offices to CBS on 03.04.2016
India Postal Employees Union Group ‘’C’’ H.P. Circle HQ at Una-174303
No: HP/P-III/Agitation dated at Una the 07.05.2016
Shri R N Prashar,
General Secretary,
New Delhi-08
Sub: Holding of Dharna against the apathetic
approach of Department in providing required infrastructure / atmosphere while
rolling out the post offices to CBS on 03.04.2016
As per the decision of Circle
Working Committee of H.P. Circle Union a mass Dharna was organised at Shimla on
03.04.2016 (Sunday). Around 300 comrades from HP participated in the Dharna.
Following mindless implementation of
CBS in post offices the difficulties of the staff in the post offices were compounding.
The staff was neither given adequate training nor the required infrastructure
i.e availability of net connectivity and regular functioning of central server
was ensured by the administration before rolling out the post offices to CBS.
As a consequence, the staff helplessly was left to work in a post office at his
own and there was none to rescue them. Due to irregular net connectivity and
poor quality of central server the staff is made to sit in a post office beyond
duty hours.
Surprisingly, the administration
does not seem to be responsive to the needs of the staff and simply a sterio
type reply is given that ‘’it will settle slowly by itself’’.
The time taken for each transaction
on finacle is higher than the time taken on Sanchay Post.
The Dharna was successful and
concluded with resolution that a memorandum be prepared for submission to the
Prime Minister / Communication Minister requesting for immediate action.
The resolution passed in the Dharna
on 03.04.2016 solicite that the CHQ should definitely evolve a programme to
mitigate the hardships of the staff working in the CBS post offices.
The copies of press clipings are
(H S Guleria)
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Friday, 18 March 2016
All the Branch Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries and CWC Members please note the Circle Union has decided for a Dharna on 03.04.2016 (Sunday) at Shimla to protest against the apathetic approach of the Circle Administration as well as Divisional Administrations to the issues cropped after rolling out of post offices on CBS and McCamish. Please note, there is no option as our correspondence and appeals are shelved by the authorities. The only way out is the struggle!!! Kindly ensure total participation by all the postal employees of Himachal Pradesh.
Review of proposed Dharna dated 21.02.2016 and review of the developments after deferment of the programme of agitation
All India Postal Employees Union
Group ‘’C’’ H.P. Circle HQ Una-174 303
Raj Bhatia H.S Guleria
+91 9418463093
No: HP/P-III/CWC dated at Una the 18.03.2016
Gen A K Shori
Postmaster General,
Pradesh Circle Shimla-09
Sub: Review of proposed Dharna dated 21.02.2016
and review of the developments after deferment of the programme of agitation
A kind reference is invited to your D.O
letter No Union/2-1/2010 dated 09.02.2016 and this Union letter No even dated
In your D.O letter mentioned above a
para wise reply was conveyed to this Union and in the concluding para , your
goodself has advised not to resort an activity of organising Dharna to avoid
unnecessary bitterness in the presently healthy, friendly and co-operative
relations between the administration and the union.
I spoke to your goodself on
17.02.2016 and emphasized the need for holding bilateral dialogues to ensure
mitigation of the problems being faced by the staff after rolling out to CBS
and introduction of McCamish. Your goodself assured to hold such meetings at
the earliest.
This Union keeping in view the
discussions and the contents contained in the DO letter after consulting the
Circle Working Committee Members deffered the programme of Dharna conveyed vide
this Union letter No even dated 17.02.2016 with the firm hope that the Circle
Administration will take a positive view and hold a meeting to discuss the
issues at the earliest.
A period of one month has been
passed , there has been no communication on the issue from your office neither
there is any let up in the hardship being faced by the staff.
The poor staff in the CBS offices is
working helplessly as a bounded labour. More than sixty per cent offices are functioning beyond 2100 hours struggling
for completion of daily work. Despite, an assurance the operative staff has to
approach for CSAC of the user / supervisor ID beyond duty hours and there seems
to be none to attend them. The frequent failure of Finacle server and McCamish
are compounding the miseries of the operative staff. Till date, many of the CBS
offices are working without laser printers and even with the old / obsolete
computers resulting delay in completion of work. No doubt, there are instructions
for grant of OTA but till date none of the Divisional Head in the Circle has
issued any such instruction or has
allowed an hour OTA to the staff performing duties in the late hours. No doubt
the new computers have reached in the Divisions; the concern of the Divisional
Heads can well be confirmed by confirming the date of installation of these new
computers which are still lying in the Divisional Offices.
The bandwidth seems to have been
enhanced in the papers as till date there is no improvement.
There is strong resentment amongst
the staff over rolling out the post offices without providing required
infrastructure and training to the staff. Recently, in Hamirpur Division, 26
post offices have been rolled in one go and many officials of these offices are
not imparted training. Despite the fact that many offices are working without
UPS/faulty UPS and even the computers are working on direct supply posing
security threats to computers. Government of India as well as our Department
have made provisions for bilateral discussions with the staff Union by way of
holding four monthly / RJCM meetings and in HP Circle no such meeting has been
held for last one year.
Since, there is no relief and no way
out , this Union in consultation with all the Circle Working Committee Members
and branch secretaries is constrained to decide for a day long
Dharna on 03.04.2016 at Shimla
as a mark of protest and to focus the concern of staff over the apathetic
approach on the issues.
(H S Guleria)
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